AOWN is committed to helping individuals reside in their home or preferred setting as long and as safely as possible. For individuals who are at risk of being placed in a Skilled Nursing Facility, the Aging Office offers a wide range of home and community-based services to allow the individual to maintain their optimal independence and dignity in the setting of their choice. These options are specifically designed to allow for the individual to reside in alternative settings of their choice, such as their home or an Assisted Living Facility if they meet the following criteria:
· At least age 65 OR deemed disabled
· Medicaid eligible
· Meet nursing facility Level of Care
· Participate in a safe, Person-Centered Plan
· Cost cannot exceed Medicaid rates for care in a Skilled Nursing Facility
An AOWN Service Coordinator will work in conjunction with the Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services to determine eligibility and appropriateness for the AD Waiver as a means to develop tangible goals to for optimal independence and overall well-being.
For further information or to submit a referral please contract the AOWN. The program is available to all residents in the Panhandle of Nebraska. Referrals are received from any source. If you would like further information press the button below to be able to contact our Care Management Supervisor in our Scottsbluff Office.