Western Nebraska is the service are of the Aging Office of Western Nebraska (AOWN) composed of the eleven counties of the Panhandle.
This area covers 14,138 square miles or 18% of the area of the State of Nebraska. Within these eleven counties there are thirty-six (36) villages/towns. Per the 2010 Census the total population of the Western Nebraska counties is 87,719 or 5% of the total State population. The elderly population, 60 or older, in Western Nebraska totals 20,683 citizens or 24% of the total population of Western Nebraska.
Banner County 189
Box Butte County 2,427
Cheyenne County 2,158
Dawes County 1,968
Deuel County 589
Garden County 686
Kimball County 1,095
Morrill County 1,281
Scotts Bluff County 8,338
Sheridan County 1,558
Sioux County 364
Total 20,683
Eligibility for services is determined by age. A person must be 60 years of age or older to qualify, but other considerations may be given. Please contact the AOWN for determination.
Counties of Western Nebraska
Contact the or Aging Office of Western Nebraska at 308-635-0851 for an application. The Aging Office of Western Nebraska is an equal opportunity employer. All current open positions for the Aging Office of Western Nebraska can be found on INDEED Job Search at www.indeed.com.